Anybody who ever went  back to school– that should be everybody, btw-  knows the bitter sweet feelings that go along with the end of summer.

Back to school in an Odyssey
Anybody who ever sent kids who have pretty much worked your last nerve over a seemingly endless summer, knows the elation that goes along with sending the little darlings back to class and out of your hair!

Happy about the end of summer

Those are the themes at work in our latest Labor Day Sales event for our Honda clients, ironically named “The End of Summer Celebration”. The parents are psyched.. the kids, not so much.

Our TV and online video featured elated parents driving their bummed out children to school on the first day.  Our kid actors could soooo relate… every one of them turned in a killer performance – they truly felt the pain. Check out the extended online version below.

And things really got fun when we turned over the Hondas – a Civic, an Accord, and an Odyssey!- over to the stunt drivers to see how much drifting and power sliding they could do with the world’s most reliable cars. Check out how much torque they got out of the Odyssey — nice job, Tony!

Big thanks to Tiburon’s St. Hilary School (where my own little darlings did their elementary and middle school time) for letting us turn their parking lot into a NASCAR track. And to all the players and crew.

Production: Dwyer Productions
Director of Photography: Kevin Edmonds
Executive Producer: Mark Dwyer
Director: Brian Bacino
Stunt Drivers: Tony Vella, Adam Sewell, Danny Ryder
Music: Orange Music
Post Production: Rough House
Editor: Michael Pickman Thoon
Color Correction: Roger Krakow
Motion Graphics: Eric Stafford
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Bacino
Copy Writer: Bob Dorfman
Art Director: Corey Stolberg
Producer: Brody McHugh
Agency Editor: Harrison Chapman
President: Jack Boland
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Account Executives: Whitney Randolph and Gloria Birch