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Baker Street
May 28, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Sergio Presely And Puerto Rico Pagan


Much of this week was engrossed by the AT&T Park shoot that was scheduled for Tuesday. Rather than write about each day, for this week’s entry I’ll simply write about what went into the shoot, and what I got out of it. So, here goes:

Finally the day of the big ad shoot had arrived! There had been so much buildup to filming at AT&T Park, it was surprising how quickly Tuesday snuck up on me. But I was ready to see the magic behind a BSA advertisement take place, and as always, everyone here was equally enthused to make sure everything went according to plan. After quickly getting settled, B2, Harrison, and I drove over to AT&T Park, armed with scripts, cameras, recording devices, small notes, and anything else we needed to make a quick tweak or two to the spot.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 20, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Bay to Breakers 2013


What The Kids Are Up To:

Over the weekend, the annual running, jogging, and party-walking of San Francisco’s Bay to Breakers took place. With the added bonus of Stage 8 of the Tour of California starting in the Marina, the entire city was buzzing. Participating in, or at least watching Bakers Breakers (as my family used to call it) has been an annual tradition, and it’s always a weekend to enjoy what can only be described as classic San Francisco. Even though floats, large bags, and alcohol (to a certain extent) have been removed from the race, the 30,000 registered runners, plus thousands of others joining the party, turned the city into one big celebration on Sunday morning.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 20, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Exploring AT&T



Monday was a convenient day to post my blogs from last week, as most of the office was organizing the trip up north that a few employees will embark on tomorrow. With a few technical malfunctions and difficulties behind me, I successfully posted blogs three and four onto the web page. Next internet sensation? I’ll let you decide, but all I can say is watch out Psy.

Once the blog work was done and dusted, I continued brainstorming ideas for the upcoming spot with Matt Cain and Angel Pagan. I haven’t been told if there is a direction this ad is supposed to take, or if there is a certain goal BSA wants to achieve with it, but I’ve been taking multiple approaches in my ideas. We’ll have to see what B2 thinks of the rookie’s ideas.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern, SF Giants

May 13, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Welcome Back to Your Childhood


What The Kids Are Up To:

Over the weekend, plenty of teenagers returned from college. So watch out San Francisco bars, a rush of 19 and 20 year olds with improper identification is heading your way! And what goes hand in hand with returning from dorm life? Moving back in with your parents. Every college student’s dream! But beyond interactions with former empty nesters who are delighted to see their proverbial cows come home, it has been interesting to see how the college life has changed (or hasn’t changed) my high school buddies.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 13, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Learning From The Masters



First things first: I’ve decided to abandon the “Day 1” formatting, due to the “wilderness survival” vibe it gives off. I am not, in fact, trying to live off the land in the High Sierras, but rather enjoying my time as an Intern down here in the Embarcadero.  Hence, I have switched up the layout of my blog.

My first full week at Baker Street started with updates to the Instagram page I recently revived. There were quite a few photos from the Giants parade, the World Series Trophy Tour, and shoots that weren’t yet posted, so I continued the task of putting Baker Street’s Instagram page under my wing.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 9, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: Texting Takeover


What The Kids Are Up To:

The texting takeover continues. Being back in San Francisco, around people my age, has shed a new light on how reliant the youth of America have become on texting. I was in Germany all fall, where I had a phone that cost €1 per text, which, needless to say, far exceeds the value of a couple of “LOLs,”or anything that can’t be communicated the old-fashioned way. That is to say, by actually talking. In Philadelphia, I was surrounded by a less text-savvy crowd, so it wasn’t until I came back to the Bay that I realized again how prominent texting culture has become.

Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan of texting. I’ll text someone when the subject matter is too short to warrant a phone call, but I’ve found that organizing plans or checking in is far more efficient with merely a phone call. But I acknowledge that how someone uses his or her phone is a personal choice, and they can do as they please with their cellular device. I just have noticed that amid the mobile takeover, some pretty basic human functions have seemingly been tossed out the window. In just the first week home, I’ve seen more instances of people blocking out the real world to be one with their phone than I have in the past nine months. On Tuesday, I witnessed a man walk into a stop sign that he failed to notice because he was sending out a (presumably) urgent text. You might think texting while walking sounds like a joke. TWW is anything but. Last Saturday, while picking up groceries, I happened to look inside a restaurant I was passing by, and saw a young couple sitting across from each other, looking down at their phones. I stopped and watched them for a few minutes, and throughout the duration of my time observing, they never once picked up their heads and gave each other any kind of recognition.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 7, 2013

From the Desk of Intern Kirk: First Week on the Job


Day 1 (Wednesday):

Today marks the start of my internship at Baker Street Advertising! First, some background: I had been looking for a summer internship/job in the advertising or video industry, and over winter break I dropped off my résumé, a cover letter, and any other necessary information at a few different firms. I heard back from Baker Street while I was in Philadelphia (more on that later), and couldn’t wait to get started. After doing some research I realized that although I didn’t know it, I had actually seen plenty of Baker Street Advertising’s work around San Francisco. From Honda ads to Giants posters, it was pretty neat to know that I would soon be able to see what went into the creation process of these products. I was working for the Philadelphia Flyers as an Operations Intern at the time, and although I was looking forward to coming back to the Bay Area and its weather (who knew it could snow in April), knowing I would gain another valuable, interesting experience made me all the more excited.

One thing that I’ve noticed is that I have immediately been put to work, which is great. In my mind, the busier the better, and after meeting almost everyone I was given my first project. I headed to the Giants stadium right off the bat (ha!), to take photos of Baker Street’s banners that have been erected for the 2013 season.  The banners are lined up along the trolley lines, and when positioned correctly, one can take a photo that includes as many as six or seven banners in the frame. It was a chance to enjoy some California sunshine for the first time in a few months, as well as get some strange looks from trolley operators as I stood in between the tracks.


Creative Intern Kirk, From the Desk of the Intern

May 1, 2013

Does Coming Out Make Jason Collins More Marketable?


It shouldn’t have been such a big story.

But because one’s sexual orientation is a hot button in America, and because professional sports is well behind the social tide in the acceptance of gays in the workplace, Jason Collins’ coming out as the first openly gay active male athlete in a major team sport was a monumental event.

It not only turned a largely-unknown, lower-tier NBA player into a household name, hero and role model, it may have also turned him into a highly bankable commodity. With the buying power of the LGBT demographic estimated at nearly $800 million, there’s no shortage of companies that may be interested in linking their brands to Collins’ aura.


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