Hotel Nikko challenged Baker Street to convey the hotel’s Zen-like experience in a way that would differentiate them from the other 4-star properties in San Francisco. Convincing people to stop and smell the roses in a society that moves at the speed of life, even while on vacation, is no small task.

So we dug deep during our Discovery research phase and uncovered this truth: “In the world of luxury hotels, personality goes a long way.” This insight drove the thinking behind the “Stay in the Moment” campaign we created that’s anchored by a graphic time stamp. This stamp is a reoccurring device marking every metaphorical magic moment during a guest’s stay.

We refreshed Hotel Nikko’s website and added an extra dimension to the time stamp, making it a real-time clock. The home page appears like a live video feed as though the viewer is watching what’s happening at the Hotel Nikko at any given moment.

We also designed it to be completely responsive with a mobile-first UI/UX.

In the print world, the time stamp works as a static lock-up, freezing the moment in time. Like in these magazine ads we created specifically to entice British tourists.

As well as this Print and Poster Series strategically-placed around the property to create allure for a uniquely Nikko offering. The series works as a one-two punch, with one image showcasing an actual amenity and the other with a more conceptual graphic.

And who doesn’t love a nice surprise and delight “Do Not Disturb” door tag?

We also made some brochures that are, well, worth your time.

And here’s who literally Stayed In the Moment to make it all happen.

VP/General Manager: Anna Marie Presutti
Director of Marketing and Revenue Strategy: Jeanne Ferrari
Associate Director of Marketing: Dani Ortega

President: Jack Boland
Chief Creative Officer/Copywriter: Brian Bacino
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Art Director: Ken Woodard
Copywriter: Lesly Pyle
Design Studio and Production Manager: Jeff Teator
Senior Strategist: Howie Leibach
Account Supervisor: Nick Spillner
Senior Account Executive: Juliana King