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Baker Street
September 5, 2016

Can Data Predict “Correct” Advertising?


In 2008, Nate Silver predicted Barack Obama as the next president of the United States way before the election took place. While the pundits relied on “gut-feelings,” Nate was skeptical. He rolled up his nerdy sleeves and crunched probabilities that leveraged historical data and micro trends within each municipality — something TV pundits simply weren’t doing.
Pictured: Nate Silver, Statistician
In 2013, Netflix famously predicted “House of Cards” would be a huge hit, way before ever having the green light to produce it. Instead of guessing what show to fund first, Netflix looked at the completion rates of loyal users. Using Venn diagram data, they discovered that the melding of David Fincher’s “The Social Network”  and the British political thrillers was scoring off the charts. The analysis was so strong that they threw $100 million into season 1 — and the rest is history.
Data is prophesizing BIG things like U.S. Elections and hit TV shows. So you might be wondering: Are we at the point where data can spit out the perfect ad?
The answer is, almost.
In 2016, IBM created promotional content based on machine learning. With little to no human assistance — the A.I. processed what it considered to be the best message for humans. While thought-provoking, there was a huge problem with it. The ad sucked.
This means one thing. Human creativity still matters immensely, and it will for decades. But data is growing stronger, and if used correctly can make a huge difference.
In 2016, the BEST creativity isn’t just head turning — it’s action-oriented; inspired by data to work harder. This means stronger segmenting, better ideas, and proof.
Baker Street takes this to heart.
Like Nate Silver, we embrace historical data for pin-point accuracy.
Like Netflix, we predict campaign success (with algorithms and velocity demand) before anyone writes a big check.
It’s a rare creative process that gets vetted from start to finish.
So while agencies are years away from churning out “the perfect ad,” Baker Street ensures that by coupling data with creativity, it’s more “correct” than ever before.  

Analytics, Data Analytics, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research

July 15, 2016

Honda “Go Small. Get Big.”


It is often said that when it comes to creating advertising and marketing experiences, if you want it Good, Fast, and Cheap — you have to choose 2.
Well, we just destroyed that myth.

SMALL Post 3.Wed.6.8

In just 4 weeks Baker Street identified a key strategic insight, tested its potential lift and created a hard-hitting, visually-stunning campaign for our NorCal Honda Client, spending a fraction of what competitors pay for production. (Of course we nearly killed our producer, Brody McHugh, in the process but she seems to be coming around. So it’s all good.)

During our Discovery process, our Economic Behaviorists, identified a national trend showing many drivers opting for sub compact cars and smaller SUVs and trucks. To take advantage of this trend, and to show off Honda’s legendary line of small and sporty cars, especially the new HR-V, Baker Street quickly created this multi-channel campaign idea that had a field day with forced perspective photography and film. These eye-popping spots show when you Go Small you Get Big time performance, space, and pure fun.
HR-V Spot:

 Fit Spot:

 Civic Spot:

 HR-V + Fit Combo Spot:

Floor Stand and Banner:
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In-Store Poster:
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Social Posts:
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Credits, Baker Street Advertising:
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Bacino
President: Jack Boland
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Copywriter: Bob Dorfman
Art Director: Corey Stolberg
Producer: Brody McHugh
Senior Strategist: Howie Leibach
Creative Manager/Copywriter (Social): Lesly Pyle
In-House Editor/Cameraman: Harrison Chapman
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Senior Account Executive: Megan Boland
Assistant Account Executive: Noah Zepponi

Credits, Production:
Director: Brian Bacino, Baker Street Advertising
Producer: Jed Mortenson, Waypoint Films
DP: Kevin Emmons
Post ECD: Nathan Robinson, Ntropic
Editor: Alan Chimenti, Ntropic
Colorist: Chris Martin, Ntropic
Assistant Editor: Gillen Burch, Ntropic
Lead Flame Artist: Matt Tremaglio, Ntropic
Flame Artist: Nathan Walker, Ntropic
Senior Designer: Tali Oliver, Ntropic
Design Assistant: Erica Post, Ntropic
Assistant: Yvonne Pon, Ntropic
Senior Producer/Head of Production: Emily Avoujageli, Ntropic
Audio Mixer: Andy Greenberg, One Union

Brian Bacino, Honda

June 2, 2016

Who You Like In The NBA Finals: Nike or Under Armour?


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The 2016 NBA Finals pits the Golden State Warriors against the Cleveland Cavaliers in a much-anticipated rematch of last year’s Finals, won by the Warriors. But there’s another big-time battle happening in this series. The shoe-off between Nike and Under Armour. Athletic apparel giant Nike recently signed Cleveland’s king, LeBron James, to a lifetime endorsement deal. But up-and-comer Under Armour has on their team the Warriors’ Stephen Curry, the NBA’s MVP the last two years, and the game’s most thrilling player since Michael Jordan. Who’s going to win the merchandise match-up?

I recently offered up my opinion in a story for CBS News:


Dorfman on Sports, Sports, Sports Marketing

April 1, 2016

Even Year: Giants 2016 Campaign


To open the 2016 SF Giants season, Baker Street Advertising created a multi-media campaign leveraging the mystique and symbolism of wearing your heart on your head, and how wearing the SF Giants hat brings baseball’s most passionate fans together.

Digital billboards featuring the photography of Christian Petersen:




The 60-second launch spot, “Heart on your Head,” tells the story of a lifelong Giants fan and his magical journey that began when he wore his Giants hat.

Then we asked all the Giants players how they felt about wearing the SF hat in this internet film series, “Under The Hat Films”:

Subsequent TV spots featured fans in their favorite Giants hat, telling tales of their favorite Giant. Crawford Destiny :30, Big Game Hunter :30, MVP Posey :30, Homegrown :30 with Duffy, Panik, Cain and Buster, and The Illusionist :30 with Sergio Romo.

Then we showed fans how to use their hat to help the Giants Rally, which brought us to a whole slew of “Together We’re Giant” ideas. After all, 162 games requires a ton of fresh content.

Finally, while we were talking to the players about their hats, we got their casual thoughts on a bunch of important topics from Bobbleheads to clubhouse pranks. These guys are authentically good dudes and a joy to work with.

Agency Credits

President: Jack Boland

Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan

Chief Creative Officer: Brian Bacino

Art Director: Ken Woodard

Copywriter: Bob Dorfman

Copywriter: Robert Leon

Copywriter: Harrison Chapman

Freelance Art Director (“Chatter” :30): Stefan Copiz

Freelance Copywriter (“Chatter” :30): Matt Bottkol

Creative Manager/Script Supervisor: Lesly Pyle

Broadcast Producer: Brody McHugh

Account Executive: Olivia Albanese

Account Coordinator: Noah Zepponi

Senior Strategist: Howie Leibach

Production Credits

Production Company: Dwyer Productions

Director: Brian Bacino (of Baker Street Advertising)

Director of Photography: Cliff Traiman

Executive Producer: Mark Dwyer

Producer: Chris Knox

Post Production:  Rough House

Editors:  Michael Pickman-Thoon, Eric Stafford, Roger Krakow, Elijiah Pahati

Visual Efx / Motion Graphics Designer:  Eric Stafford

Colorist:  Roger Krakow

Post Production Supervision:  Matt Lopez, Michael Pickman-Thoon

Audio Mix:  Sirius Sound

Mix & Sound Designers:  Shane Watson, Leroy Clark

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Sports, Sports Marketing

February 29, 2016

Presidential Valentine’s Day


Everybody has a Presidents’ Day Sale. Everybody has a Valentine’s Day Sale. But only the Northern California Honda Dealers have a Presidential Valentine’s Day Sale. This little Baker Street holiday promotion creation helped Honda hit a record February. Thanks Abe and George and pretty lingerie saleswoman lady.

TV Spot “Presidential Valentine’s” :30


Agency Credits

President: Jack Boland
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Bacino
Art Director: Corey Stolberg
Copywriter: Bob Dorfman
Producer: Brody McHugh
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Senior Account Executives: Megan Boland and Christine Rodriguez

Production Credits 

Director, Brian Bacino, Baker Street Advertising
Executive Producer, Mark Dwyer, Dwyer Productions
DP: Kevin Emmons
Editor: Michael Pickman-Thoon, Rough House Editorial
Colorist: Roger Krakow, Rough House Editorial
Motion Graphics: Eric Stafford, Rough House Editorial
Audio Engineer: Andy Greenberg, One Union

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda, Presidents' Day Sale

December 29, 2015

2015: Year In Review


2015 — That just happened.


Baker Street Advertising started 2015 like we usually do in odd years: creating world class work for the World Champion San Francisco Giants. We also elevated our work for Northern California Honda Dealers with our elegant, yet sometimes hilarious, “NorCal Gets It” campaign. Our “#AskAnyHondaDriver” digital films and app shattered previous earned media records. As did our #Snacktivities films created for Sun-Maid Raisins. We reached new levels of insight discovery and behavioral targeting and helped our Clients reach their goals with more mobile and digital video than ever before. Along the way we picked up Digital Agency of the Year honors at the IMA Impact15 Awards, and put a dozen more creative awards on the shelf honoring 2014’s work.

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But before we hurt a collective rotator cuff patting ourself on the back, we must give props and salutations to our imaginative, bold thinking Client partners who push us, challenge us, and at times take great leaps of faith with us to achieve work we are all proud of. And last but not least, we owe thanks to our production partners: producers, cameramen, editors, fx magicians, colorists, sound engineers, photographers, animators, printers, and, of course, crew and bartenders. We hope you all are as proud of the work as we are:

(HD is worth the wait.)

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda, SF Giants, Sports, Sports Marketing

October 11, 2015

New Hondas For All

The most innovative aspect of our new integrated campaign for Honda is…we made the whole thing up!
Using our proprietary Discovery technique we unearthed a brand new insight that resulted in a brand new sales event targeted to people who were NOT THINKING of a brand new car. We targeted used car shoppers with a remarkable fact: Hondas are currently priced so low, there’s no reason to consider used. Couple that with the psychology of giving your child the safest, most reliable option, and you’ve got yourself a W.

TV Spot 1 “Cannonball” :30


TV Spot 2 “Cheeseburger” :30


Social Video 1 “Diving Kid” :10


Social Video 2 “New vs. Used” :10


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Credits, Baker Street Advertising:

President: Jack Boland
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Chief Creative Officer (TV/Print/Social): Brian Bacino
Art Director (TV/Print/Web/Social): Corey Stolberg
Copywriter (TV/Print/Web/Social): Bob Dorfman
Producer (TV): Brody McHugh
Behind-The-Scenes Photographer: Lesly Pyle
Editor (Social): Harrison Chapman
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Senior Account Executive: Megan Boland
Production (Print): Jeff Teator

12004123_964756916916216_2387784244411960261_nAbove Water Diver: Rick Pomi (does his own stunts).

Below Water Diver: Harrison Chapman (does whatever it takes to get the shot.)

Credits, TV Production:

Director, Brian Bacino, Baker Street Advertising
Executive Producer, Mark Dwyer, Dwyer Productions
DP: Kevin Emmons
Editor: Michael Pickman-Thoon, Rough House Editorial
Colorist: Roger Krakow, Rough House Editorial
Post Producer: Todd Lindow, Rough House Editorial
Motion Graphics: Eric Stafford, Rough House Editorial
Audio Engineer: Andy Greenberg, One Union

Underwater B-Cam Operator, Harrison Chapman, Baker Street Advertising

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda

September 28, 2015

What Happened in Vegas


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Except this: Baker Street Advertising won Agency of the Year at the Internet Marketing Association’s IMPACT15 digital marketing conference.
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When two of our leaders were invited to be keynote speakers at IMPACT15 in Las Vegas, we had no idea how far this ride would take us. We were honored to have our President and Founder, Jack Boland, and our Creative Chief, Brian Bacino, reppin’ on the main stage. They presented “Together We’re Giant,” a dive into digital sports marketing, alongside our client Tom McDonald, the SVP of Marketing at the San Francisco Giants.

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And Don Donovan AKA the “Sherlock Holmes of Big Data” AKA our Chief Strategy Officer, presented “Cracking the Code of Big Data” in a breakout session. Other speakers included executives from global behemoths like Barnes & Noble Education, Oracle Data Cloud and Evite. So, yeah, we were already stoked to be a part of it.

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But little did we know that more things to celebrate were coming our way. In addition to winning Digital Agency of the Year, Baker Street Advertising also took home four more IMPACT15 trophies — in four distinct social media categories for three of our clients: the San Francisco Giants, Northern California Honda Dealers and Sun-Maid.
Community Engagement Leadership Award

San Francisco Giants: “Big Speech” as seen below:

Best Use of Twitter
San Francisco Giants: “Together We’re Giant”
Facebook Customization Award
Northern California Honda Dealerships: “#AskAnyHondaDriver Testimonial Campaign”
YouTube Informational Award
Sun-Maid Raisins: “Snacktivities”
Check out the case study videos for the three winners listed above here: https://bakerstreet1.wpenginepowered.com/proof/
So how do we think it happened?
According to BSA Prez Jack Boland: “Our approach to marketing and our mantra is: ‘Discovery. Creativity. Proof.’ From insight to strategically-sound creative to concrete results, winning these awards is a testament to our unique model.”
BSA’s Chief Creative Officer, Brian Bacino, adds “This show is about getting results. Which we did, but I also think the judges couldn’t resist falling in love with the creative.”
Fellas, your staff agrees. And couldn’t be more excited about it.
Here’s a little more info on the Internet Marketing Association (IMA) and IMPACT15:
IMPACT15 is a three-day global conference focused on how to get your customer’s attention through innovation.
IMA is one of the fastest growing Internet marketing groups in the world, with more than 1,000,000 professional members in fields including sales, marketing, business ownership, programming and creative development. It provides a platform where proven Internet marketing strategies are demonstrated and shared to increase members’ value to their organizations. www.imanetwork.org

Accolades, Awards, Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda, SF Giants, Sports, Sports Marketing

September 1, 2015

#AskAnyHondaDriver Testimonial Film Series


In the game of happiness, Honda owners are winning. Ironically (perhaps) they are kicking the well-appointed butts of BMW, Audi, and Mercedes drivers in the loving-their-car-as- well-as-their-life department. Besides hearing epic Honda stories, we met the best people on earth. Maybe because an authentic, quality automobile attracts authentic, quality people. See for yourself by viewing our film project here: #AskAnyHondaDriver


Credits, Baker Street Advertising:

Chief Creative Officer: Brian Bacino
Senior Copywriter: Robert Leon
Senior Art Director: Sarah Inglis
Producer: Brody McHugh
President: Jack Boland
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Senior Account Executive: Megan Boland

Credits, Production:

Director, Brian Bacino, Baker Street Advertising
Producer, Jed Mortenson, Waypoint Films
DP: Kevin Emmons
Editor: Michael Pickman-Thoon and Leif Salvesen, Rough House Editorial
Colorist: Roger Krakow, Rough House Editorial
Post Producer: Todd Lindow, Rough House Editorial
Motion Graphics and Compositing: Eric Stafford, Rough House Editorial
Assistant Editor and Compressionist: Elijiah Pahati
Audio Mixer: Matt Zipkin, One Union

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda

June 10, 2015

Start Your Summer with Honda


Once upon a time, the end of school was the greatest moment of the year.

The feeling of freedom, no more teachers, no more homework…cue the Alice Cooper!

TV Spot:


Unless of course you’re a parent, then the end of school means the beginning of dealing with your little darlings 24/7.  

This classic dichotomy of emotions between kids and parents at the end of the school year drives this month’s Honda Start Your Summer sales event.

TV, online, POP, and social media videos have fun with kids and parents and the brilliant deals available on Hondas.

Enjoy, be you kid or parent.

Social Videos:






Credits, Baker Street Advertising:

President: Jack Boland
Chief Strategy Officer: Don Donovan
Chief Creative Officer (TV/Print/Social): Brian Bacino
Art Director (TV/Print/Web/Social): Corey Stolberg
Copywriter (TV/Print/Web/Social): Bob Dorfman
Producer (TV): Brody McHugh
Copywriter (Social): Lesly Pyle
Cameraman/Editor (Social): Harrison Chapman
Group Account Director: Dan Nilsen
Senior Account Executive: Megan Boland
Production (Print): Jeff Teator

Credits, TV Production:

Director, Brian Bacino, Baker Street Advertising
Executive Producer, Mark Dwyer, Dwyer Productions
DP: Kevin Emmons
Editor: Michael Pickman-Thoon, Rough House Editorial
Colorist: Roger Krakow, Rough House Editorial
Post Producer: Todd Lindow, Rough House Editorial
Motion Graphics: Eric Stafford, Rough House Editorial
Audio Engineer: Andy Greenberg, One Union

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda