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Baker Street
December 20, 2012

From the Desk of the Creative Chief: Go Jump in the Bay!


The best part of working for a small agency is that you develop the “do it yourself” mentality. It’s amazing how much further you can make a budget go if you create with your own hands… and cameras.

Once you resolve that you have to physically create the assets yourself, suddenly you figure it out.  We no longer accept that a film will be too expensive to make.  We scoff when a stock film or photo search disappoints.  We just grab our 5D’s and Go Pros and jump in.  And in the case of our latest work for the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, played at AT&T Park, that’s exactly what we did. We jumped in the bay.


Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl, Sports

October 31, 2012

+Together We’re Champions! From the Desk of the Creative Chief:


As we scrambled to prepare final congratulatory ads and posters for the 2012 World Series Champs in time for the parade, we took a moment to look back at the campaign pieces and the “Let’s get back. Together.” theme. Though the ideas were written and produced in February, long before opening day, it is astonishing how reality played out, often in ways we seemed to predict, but never really imagined.


Brian Bacino, SF Giants, Sports

September 20, 2012

From the Desk of the Creative Chief: Listen

Sometimes it’s better to not do it yourself.

Funny how the idea for our latest Honda initiative came about: listening.

What a concept: listening to your clients as they discuss the issues facing their business.  It’s something we do with our Honda and Acura clients once a month. And more times than not, by not talking too much, and letting our board members hash out their business challenges, we walk away with a boatload of new ideas for strategic initiatives and marketing programs that were never on the plan.

This was one of those times. (more…)

Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda

August 30, 2012

From the Desk of the Creative Chief:


  • We investigate your market, discover opportunities, and create multi media advertising messages and content that makes your brand grow. And we’ll prove it.
  • From the desk of the Creative Chief:

Day 1. Well, day 233 actually for me, but we’ve been busy with the Giants and Honda and Acura and getting ready to get busy. And as we re-launch the Baker St brand and site, we have the chance to shine a light on what is brilliant about this agency’s approach and infuse it with a revived commitment to creative intensity.



Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2

August 16, 2012

Honda/Baker St. want summer to last forever.


You are not going to believe what we pulled off in just a few hours for just a few dollars for our Northwest Honda Dealers’ Endless Summer Sales Event.

temp link just so you can see it:
In order to dramatize Honda’s legendary dependability and the fact that once you buy a Honda the savings keep going, we featured a woman, the charming Amanda Holt, and her puppy, Killer, going through 5 years of seasons with stylish flair thanks to the extraordinary effort of our wardrobe and stylist team. To get this done the team had to create 100 outfit combinations that take us through the 4 seasons, 5 times, all while showing the subtle transitions of style and position that our star Honda driver, Amanda, would naturally go through. The trick was the changes had to happen every 4 minutes to meet our shoot schedule limitations.


Brian Bacino, Creative Chief B2, Honda